Although the
Indianapolis 500 is still a few months away, the preparations have already begun! For us this means helping Indianapolis Speedway suite owners and designers
transform their hardwood floors into a beautiful setting for their guests to enjoy the race.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway contains several private luxury suites that offer a spectacular view of the race below. With some of the suites hosting a couple of hundred guests for every event, hardwood floors take a pounding. Recently we were hired by a suite owner to refinsh her hardwood floors. After the initial consultation, we decided that her floors didn’t need a full refinishing but would look great after a screen and recoat – saving her both money and time.
A screen and recoat involves only the top layer of the finish and not the wood. We do a deep clean of the floor then prepare the floor to perfectly bond with the new layer of finish. A durable finish is then added – leaving your floors looking brand new!
Brazilian Cherry – Excellent Event Space Choice
In this Indianapolis Speedway suite, the Brazilian cherry floor had been obviously enjoyed by many guests over multiple events. Brazilian cherry is an elegant exotic wood that is naturally more durable than many other types of wood.
Brazilian Cherry hardwood flooring is extraordinarily hard, measuring 2820 on the
Janka hardness scale. It is twice as hard as domestic red oak, which is the industry benchmark for evaluating wood species as suitable flooring material. So with its style and strength, Brazilian cherry was the perfect choice for this event space with its heavy foot traffic. We were excited to help restore its beauty.
Preparing for Your Next Event!
Are your hardwood floors looking a bit dull and scratched? Do you want them to shine for your next event or party?
Contact us today to see if a screen and recoat is what your floors need. We also offer an amazing
professional hardwood floor cleaning service which protects and restores your floor.
Or maybe you are dreaming about a new color on your hardwood floors or a kitchen remodel? We would love to talk with you about your dream plans and help make them a reality. Give us a call today at
317-759-2575 and make an appointment for a free consultation.
Image Credit:
While I wish I could have been there to take the great picture of the race in this post, it is from an article at The hardwood flooring picture was taken my our team after the job was complete.